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The true story behind the Legend known as Cocaine Bear:

Inspired By a true story of a 175 black bear that ate millions of dollars in cocaine that was tossed out of a drug plane. Cocaine bear, also known as "Pablo Escobear" was recovered in Georgia , USA after his organs gave out from the massive binger. This token is in memory of that absolute chad of a bear. 


There is also a movie coming out this year (2022) about the events that led to the birth of our mascot:

Cocaine Bear,  is an upcoming American thriller film directed and   produced by Elizabeth Banks from a screenplay written by Jimmy Warden. The film is scheduled to be theatrically released in 2023 by Universal Pictures.

About the token:
Coke-Bear is a BUSD reflections token housed on the BSC with the ability to change its reflected token at any time. Will probably stay on BUSD because it is awesome unless community wants something else. there is a 5% total tax, 2% busd reflections and 3% goes to the LP management contract.


Ownership is renounced meaning this bear is immortal. Basic coin dev functions are still usable , such as tweaking tax allotments (not overall tax percentage this is hardcoded to  be </= 15%, trading cannot be paused, no coins can be minted, etc.) This will preserve some functions to be able to list on major platforms and also allow modifications if later we want to put less to liquidity or more towards reflections.

Inspired by the cocaine bear story, this bear comes equipped with "Papa Escobear's Stash" AKA "The Stash". The Stash is a smart contract that controls liquidity generation through "Swap and Evolve" (much like safemoon v2 this action reverses the price impact of "Swap and Liquify" and raising the price floor). When liquidity is in a stable state, The Stash uses the BNB stored on the contract itself to buyback and burn Coke-Bear tokens raising the price ceiling by reducing total supply.

The stash:

Bsc Scan:


Pancake Swap:

Our plans for the future:

Bear stuffs : (Preparing for winter) 1-100K

1.LP burned on launch. *Done*

2.Contract renounced. *Done*

3. Website  *Done*

4. Web 3 domains purchased for Dapps. *Done*

5. Face and name dox. *Done*

5. Traditional Domain (no Wix) .

6. Memetools listing. *Done but they removed the bear for hibernating too long*

7. BUSD rewards checker on website .

8.Developing social media accounts (Ongoing).

9. KYC at 100K MC.
10. Coke Fueled Bear memes (Ongoing).


Crystal Salt
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